Linear regulators from the 7800 series are often the choice for electronics hobbyists because of their ease of use, versatility, robustness and availability. G78xxHE is a very small DC-DC converter aimed to be a "drop in" replacement for the 7800 series regulators in TO-220 package. Thanks to its high efficiency the G78xxHE does not need to be connected to an heatsink even when delivering the maximum rated 7800 series current (1A) with large Vin-Vout deltas.
The 7800 series regulators allow input voltages as high as 35V (40V for 7820 and 7824). Designing a switching regulator that operates at optimal efficiency with such a wide Vin is not possible given the size and cost constraints.
Our approach was to segment the problem and develop different designs for different input voltage requirements and efficiency expectations.
Ver | Regulator | Fs | Vin | Vout | Avg Eff | Status |
A | Diodes Inc. AP5100 | 1.4MHz | 4.75-24 | 0.81-15 | 86% | Preliminary |
B | ST Microelectronics L5973 | 500KHz | 4-36 | 1.2-35 | 83% | Preliminary |
C | ON Semiconductor NCP3125 | 350KHz | 4.5-13.2 | 0.8-6 | Concept | |
D | MPS MP2403/MP2307 | Concept |
G78xxHE-A00 Features
- Based on Diodes Inc. AP5100
- 1.4MHz switching frequency
- Vin range: 4.75-24V
- Vout range: 0.81-15V
- Iout: 1.2A