NVPlugin - LCD Smartie plugin for NVIDIA GPUs

Submitted by GG on Sat, 10/08/2011 - 20:30

LCD Smartie LCD Smartie is a small application for windows that allow the user to display information on a separate text LCD display. In addition to the built-in system information and support for several popular applications it can be extended to display data from any source using plug-ins. This plugin makes available several key GPU parameters querying directly the NVIDIA display driver.

Download [inline:nvapi_plugin.zip] and copy its content into the LCD Smartie plugin directory.


The plugin is invoked using the LCD Smartie $dll function. The syntax is:

Different information can be retrieved by setting the value of function, param1 and param2 according to the following instructions:

function=1: get general information
param1=0: get the driver version
param1=1: get the total number of nvidia GPUs in the system

function=2: get information about a specific GPU
param1=gpu index (starting from 0, must be between 0 and total number of GPU-1)
param2=0: get the GPU name

function=3: get GPU utilization
param1=gpu index (starting from 0, must be between 0 and total number of GPU-1)
param2=select a specific utilization (usually 0=GPU core, 1=memory, 2=video engine)

function=4: get temperature
param1=gpu index (starting from 0, must be between 0 and total number of GPU-1)
param2=select a specific temperature (usually 0=GPU internal sensor, >1 board dependent)

function=5: get fan rpm
param1=gpu index (starting from 0, must be between 0 and total number of GPU-1)


Get the name of the first GPU in the system (index 0)

Get the core temperature of the second GPU in the system (index 1)

Attachment Size
nvapi_plugin.zip 13.09 KB
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