SDCC 3.3.0 Released

Submitted by GG on Tue, 05/21/2013 - 15:36

SDCC logoThe SDCC team is spoiling us with yet another great release. After a little less than one year of development and 3 release candidates the new 3.3.0 version is ready for download.

Besides the numerous bug fixes here is a list of the important changes since the release 3.2.0 (list taken from SDCC website):

  • lospre (currently enabled for z80-related and hc08-related ports only) - merged lospre branch
  • More efficient initialization of globals in z80, z180, r2k and r3ka ports.
  • Inclusion of tests from the gcc test suite into the sdcc regression test suite led to many bugs being found and fixed.
  • Split sdas390 from sdas8051
  • Merged big parts of ASxxxx v5 into sdas
  • New pic devices (synchronization with MPLABX 1.60). (Except for very old MCU-s.)
  • New script which disassembles those hex files, in which MCS51 code there is. (
  • Added the PIC16F1788 and PIC16F1789 devices.
  • C11 _Alignof operator.
  • C11 _Alignas alignment specifier.
  • C11 _Static_Assert static assertion.
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