
E2R16v2.2 - 27C400/800/160/322 programming adapter for Minipro TL866

Submitted by GG on Thu, 09/23/2021 - 17:39

E2R16 V21The Minipro TL866 is very popular among hobbyist because of its low price and ease of use. Its list of supported chips is however somewhat limited compared to more expensive professional programmers. The E2R16v2 adapter adds support for the ROM pinout compatible EPROM of the 27C400/800/160 and C322 series.

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Commodorino - Use arduino shields on the Commodore 64

Submitted by GG on Tue, 08/10/2021 - 03:32

CommodorinoArduino shields are ubiquitous and provide a wide range of sensors and interfaces. Commodorino allows their use on a Commodore 64. The interface provides good compatibility with the Arduino Uno platform. Digital I/O, Analog In, SPI, I2C and limited interrupt and Serial port are implemented and additional Micro SD card socket is available for future expansion.

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GRAM/4D - 4MB geoRAM Compatible RAM Expansion for Commodore 64/128

Submitted by GG on Fri, 07/02/2021 - 22:39

geoRAMThe geoRAM is a 512KB memory expansion for the Commodore 64 and 128 designed by Berkeley Softworks for use with GEOS. While not as fast as the Commodore REU due to its lack of DMA capabilities, it still provides a significant performance boost. GRAM/4D is a 4MB geoRAM compatible cartridge based on a two 4Mx4 DRAM devices.

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RAMGS/4 - 4MB memory expansion for the Apple IIgs

Submitted by GG on Wed, 06/09/2021 - 23:11

ramgsThe apple IIgs is the most advanced computer in the Apple II series. Equipped with a 65c816 8/16-bit CPU with 24-bit address space it could address up to 16MB of memory. The original rom 01 model shipped with 256KB of fast RAM, the revised rom 3 shipped with 1MB (both had an additional 128KB of standard RAM and 64KB of sound RAM). RAMGS/4 is a newly designed 4MB memory expansion card for this great classic computer.

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CGA2RGBv2 - Digital RGBI to analog RGB for C128 and IBM PC MDA/CGA/EGA

Submitted by GG on Sun, 05/02/2021 - 22:38

CGA2RGBThe 80 column output of the Commodore 128 is the same digital RGBI used by the original IBM CGA graphics adapter. Unfortunately nowadays is quite difficult to find a monitor with the suitable RGBI input. The CGA2RGBv2 adapter will convert the TTL RGBI to analog RGB suitable to be connected directly to a 15KHz capable RGB monitor or to the popular Gonbes GBS-8200 VGA converter.

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GZ/80S - 20MHz Z-80 PCPI Applicard compatible Apple CP/M card

Submitted by GG on Tue, 04/06/2021 - 14:43

GZ80 B03The PCPI Appli-Card was the first single board computer style CP/M card for the apple II. It featured a 6MHz Z-80 CPU paired with 64KB of RAM and 2KB of ROM. Thanks to the high clock and zero wait states DRAM accesses the card performed almost 3 times as fast as the Microsoft SoftCard. The GZ/80-B00 is a new implementation of the PCPI card with a 20MHz Z-80 CPU and 512KB of static RAM.

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GZ/80S-B00 - 20MHz Z-80 PCPI Applicard compatible Apple CP/M card

Submitted by GG on Thu, 04/02/2020 - 02:19

A new version of this project is available here

GZ80 B00The PCPI Appli-Card was the first single board computer style CP/M card for the apple II. It featured a 6MHz Z-80 CPU paired with 64KB of RAM and 2KB of ROM. Thanks to the high clock and zero wait states DRAM accesses the card performed almost 3 times as fast as the Microsoft SoftCard. The GZ/80-B00 is a new implementation of the PCPI card with a 20MHz Z-80 CPU and 512KB of static RAM.

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GTERM25 - DB25 Active SCSI Terminator with diagnostics LEDs

Submitted by GG on Sun, 02/16/2020 - 15:28

GTERMActive termination is required to get newer high performance drives working on vintage computers. Unfortunately both the Amiga and older Apple computers use a DB25 SCSI connector which makes finding a suitable terminator quite difficult. GTERM25 solves this problem providing a high performance active terminator with a DB25 connector and SCSI diagnostic LEDs.

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