GGLABS and at The Bay Area Maker Faire

Submitted by GG on Tue, 04/26/2016 - 21:09

Bay Area Maker Faire Banner
GGLABS and our good friends at labs will be at the Bay Area Maker Faire. Following the tradition started last year the event will be 3 days from May 20th to the 22nd. If you plan to attend the faire feel free to stop by and say hi. We will be showing some of our current projects and a few prototypes still in development.

E2R16 - 27C400 programming adapter for Minipro TL866

Submitted by GG on Sun, 03/27/2016 - 00:52

MiniproThe Minipro TL866 is very popular among hobbyist because of its low price and ease of use. Its list of supported chips is however somewhat limited compared to more expensive professional programmers. The E2R16 adapter adds support for the ROM pinout compatible EPROM of the 27C400 series which are compatible with Amiga computers and many arcade machines.

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A520HD - Commodore Amiga RGB to HDTV Component Adapter

Submitted by GG on Fri, 01/15/2016 - 13:33

A520HDThe GGLABS A520HD is the HDTV equivalent of the classic Commodore A520 TV modulator. Instead of encoding the Amiga video signal to a low quality composite output it converts the RGB output to a high quality YPbPr signal compatible with HDTVs with a component input. The A520HD connects to the Amiga 23-pin video port and is powered directly from the system.

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GLINK232 - UART cartridge for Commodore 64/128

Submitted by GG on Tue, 12/01/2015 - 18:01

glink232Both the commodore 64 and the 128 have a software UART implementation that limits the useful speed to 2400 bauds. To work around this limitation Dr. Evil Labs and later CMD produced the SwiftLink232 and Turbo232 cartridges based on the 6551 ACIA chip. Both of these have been out of production for a very long time. GLINK232 is a modern replacement for the swiftlink232 allowing the commodore 64/128 to communicate at speeds up to 38400 bauds.

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6-10W boost LED driver

Submitted by GG on Sun, 09/21/2014 - 19:30

ssr01 pth versionHigh power LEDs require a constant current power supply for optimal operation. GLED1 is designed to drive 10W white LEDs (9 diodes in series) from a 12V or 24V supply. The board can be used down to 3V but the maximum output power will be reduced in this case. The design supports discrete level dimming using a two or three way switch or continuous control using a PWM signal. The design is based on the ON Semiconductor NCP3065/3066.

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FLIRC and GGLABS at the East Bay Mini Maker Faire

Submitted by GG on Tue, 09/02/2014 - 23:32

EBMMF LogooGGLABS and our good friends at FLIRC will be sharing a booth at the East Bay Mini Maker Faire on October 19th. If you plan to attend the faire stop by our booth to check out the features and ease of use of FLIRC and other miscellaneous GGLABS projects. We will be also showing some projects still in development stage that have not been published yet.